Given my tools and skills, what I have done is only an aesthetic restoration of a rusty movement. The movement did not work when I bought it on Ebay and still does not work. In fact, during the cleaning process, some items that were damaged beyond repair broke off.

The first thing I did was try to disassemble the movement. Unfortunately, at that point, I was unable to unscrew the ratchet wheel and therefore to separate the barrel from its bridge. I was also unable to remove the cannon pinion and therefore the centre wheel, which is why the train bridge was not removed at that point.

The next step was to let the components soak in white vinegar. After 12 hours, I was able to remove the cannon pinion, centre wheel and gear train bridge, but not the ratchet wheel. I know that one solution would be to use a mix of acetone and automatic transmission fluid (ATF oil), but they are difficult to dispose of and I do not have any other use for them, unlike white vinegar.
After the white vinegar soak, I put all components in an ultra-sound machine. I then used 1000 and 3000 grit sand paper on some components and finally used some polishing compound on the bevels of the gear train bridge.